A Collaboration between FE Universitas Negeri Jakarta and FBEA University Malaysia Sabah “Winning a Reputable International Journal Publication Through Exceptional Writing”


The Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta and the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Accountancy, University Malaysia Sabah have successfully collaborated in conducting training on writing articles for international repute on Monday, 17 July 2023. This event was held virtually through Zoom meeting and was attended by approximately 100 participants consisting of lecturers from Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and lecturers from various other universities. In addition, under and postgraduate students also participated in this event. This article writing training was held with the theme “Winning a Reputable International Journal Publication Through Exceptional Writing” which aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of the participants regarding international publications in reputable journals, motivate and encourage them to publish their scientific work in international journals so that there is an improve the number of publications scientific papers in reputable international journals. This event presents two speakers that experts in article writing, namely Lim Thien Sang, Ph.D who is the Director of the UMS Center for External Education and Dr. Agus Wibowo, S.Pd.I., M. Pd, who is the Head of the Study Center Economic FE UNJ.

This event starts at 08.30 WIB or 09.30 MYT starting with the opening of the MC by Dwi Kismayanti Respati, M.Ak. Then followed with enlightening speech by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, namely Dr. Indra Pahala, M. Si and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moh. Rahimie Bin Abd. Karim as Dean  of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

      Vice Dean FE UNJ Dr. Indra Pahala, M. Si


Dean FBEA UMS Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moh. Rahimie Bin Abd. Karim


Before entering the material presentation, the MC introduced the Moderator at this event, namely Gentiga Muhammad Zairin, SE, M.Ak., CA., CPSAK. Next, the Moderator invited the first speaker, namely Lim Thien Sang, Ph.D to present his material. Then second speaker is Dr. Agus Wibowo, S.Pd.I., M. Pd. After all speakers presentation, moderator open question and answer session for participants.

MC and Moderator Dwi Kismayanti Respati, S.Pd., M.Ak and Gentiga Muhammad Zairin, SE, M.Ak., CA.




Lim Thien Sang, Ph.D


Dr. Agus Wibowo, S.Pd.I., M.Pd


After the question-and-answer session was over, the Moderator then delivered a resume for the second presentation made by Dr. Agus Wibowo, S.Pd.I., M. Pd. Then, the MC took over the activity again and closed the training event and reminded the participants to take attendance and fill in the event evaluation.

Lim Thien Sang, PhD., explained several important things in writing articles for publication in reputable journals, including:

  1. The reviewer requires several criteria to be met, such as the originality of the research, the clarity and coherence of the structure of the manuscript, and the methodological rigor and validity of the results.
  1. The key objectives of publishing an academic journal are to understand the process, gain insights into the reviewer’s perspective, understand the reviewers’ comments, and learn the most effective strategies for responding to the reviewers’ comments.
  2. The first stage of submission is selecting the right journal, crafting a strong manuscript, navigating the peer review process, and ethical considerations.
  3. Several points mention the source that you can get for the publication, such as:
    • Online sources
    • Target journal (eg, editorial’s report)
    • People around you and other networks
  1. Reviewers also have roles or responsibilities:
    • Evaluate the quality and validity.
    • Provide constructive feedback.
    • Ensure ethical standards and academic integrity.
  1. There is an importance of Reviewers’ comments, like improving the quality of the manuscript, providing valuable insights and perspectives, strengthening your research and increasing the chances of publication.
  2. We also got tips on how to understand reviewers’ comments, such as carefully reading and analyzing every comment, identifying the main concerns, and taking notes of all the feedback.
  3. And before we are submitting, we have to do final checks such as:
    • Proofread carefully.
    • Check for any typographical errors, grammar issues, and inconsistencies.
    • Ensure the manuscript is coherent and well-organized.

Dr. Agus Wibowo, S.Pd.I., M. Pd. conveyed several important points in writing an article that is good and worthy of being published in a reputable journal, including:

  1. In choosing a journal, one must pay attention to the reputation of the guide
  2. Paying attention to the distribution of the authors, if they are from the same country of origin, it is better to avoid them.
  3. In making an introduction there are important steps to take, such as:
    • The Introduction opens with a description of the importance of writing themes, globally and locally
    • Describes the importance of the theme to the discipline
    • Describe the importance of the theme as a problem that urgently needs to be solved
    • Briefly describe previous relevant studies and their results
    • Briefly describe the weaknesses/limitations of previous research
    • Outlining the research gap (Research Gap) and novelty (Novelty)
    • And outlines the goals and contributions of research theoretically and practically
  1. When developing methods, researchers need to design research using reasons and strengths, in collecting data it is necessary to pay attention to who the respondents are, the reasons and the selection of respondents, as well as the number of respondents who must be presented in detail on the demographics of the respondents either with tables or descriptions.

This event also analyze the improvement of participant’s knowledge by obtained online questionairre before and after the event. The result show that more that 80% of participant’s knowledge are increase. Participants also feel satisfied with the event and appreciate the committee. In the future, this event will be held regularly by targeting other participant from another country so the advantages will be spread widely and globally.

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