Darma Rika Swaramarinda, M.S.E., Ph.D
Faculty of Economics
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Education |
Bachelor: Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia |
Master: Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
Doctor: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia |
Research Interest |
Pendidikan, Evaluasi, Ekonomi, Administrasi Perkantoran, Kewirausahaan |
ID Link |
ID Scopus : Klik disini |
ID Scholar : Klik Disini |
ID SINTA : 5984295 |
Courses |
Etika Bisnis dan Profesi, Evaluasi Pendidikan |
Publication |
First-Author |
C0-Author |
SZ Maaruf, AA Kamal, MK Rahmat, SM Majid, DRS Swaramarinda. (2024). Mc-TCIM: the integration of Aboriginal and Borneo traditional crafts in visual arts education. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal 9 (27), 97-103 |
First-Author |
DR Swaramarinda, B Isa, NM Yusof, MABA Kadir. (2023). Digital Entrepreneurship in Vocational High School Student Level. IntechOpen. |
C0-Author |
First-Author |
DR Swaramarinda, B Isa, NM Yusof, MABA Kadir, Z Ab Rahman. (2022). Improving The Quality of Youth: Scale Development of Entrepreneurial Intention. Quality- Access to Success, 23(191), pp. 143–155. |
DR Swaramarinda, B Isa, NM Yusof, MABA Kadir, Z Ab Rahman. (2022). Scale Development of Social Support in the Vocational High School Context. Humanities and Social Sciences Letters 10 (3), 279-289. |
Swaramarinda, D.R., Isa, B., Yusof, N.M., Kadir, M.A.B.A, Rahman, Z.A. (2022). Promoting Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy in Vocational High School: Scale Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4). |
Co- Author |
First Author |
DR Swaramarinda, B Isa, NM Yusof, MABA Kadir. (2021). Exploring Vocational High School Students’Entrepreneurial Intention: Preliminary Study. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. 20(6), 341-359. |
DR Swaramarinda, B Isa, NM Yusof, MABA Kadir. (2021). Exploring Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Concept: A Literature Review. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices. 4 (16), 55-65. |
Co-Author |
First-Author |
Swaramarinda, D.R., Eryanto, H., Sebayang, K.D.A. (2020). The gender gap in education and economic perspectives. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(1), 3834-3837. |
Co- Author |
Sebayang, K.D.A., Swaramarinda, D.R. (2020). Ethics and economics: Synthesis for business implementation in indonesia. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(3), 390-395. |
Sebayang, K.D.A., Swaramarinda, D.R. (2020). Educational policy implementation in Indonesia: The art of decision making. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(1), 1286-1290. |
Eryanto, H., Swaramarinda, D.R., Marsofiyati. (2020). Evaluation of the entrepreneurial student program at universitas Negeri Jakarta. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(1), 386-393. |
Eryanto, H., Swaramarinda, D.R., Oktowibisono, Setiyani, R., Munawaroh. (2020). Understanding entrepreneurship learning outcomes: Parenting and discipline. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2020, 13(4), 261-270. |
First-Author |
DR Swaramarinda, H Eryanto. (2019) How to Develop Business Ethics in Entrepreneurial Student Program? Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA. |
Swaramarinda, D.R. (2019) How to Develop Cultural Capital in order to Improve Academic Achievement from a Gender Perspective. Business Innovation and Development in Emerging Economies, 642-648. |
Co- Author |
Eryanto, H., Swaramarinda, D. R., & Nurmalasari, D. (2019). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Practice Program: Using Cipp Program Evaluation. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1), 1–10. |
H Eryanto., DR Swaramarinda. (2019) Student Creativity at School: Can This Increase Interest in Entrepreneurship? Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA. |
Sebayang, K.D.A., Swaramarinda, D.R. (2019). Educational Policy : The Art of Decision Making for Economics Student Internship Program. Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen. 5(3), 126-135. |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R. (2018). The usefulness of information and communication technology in entrepreneurship subject. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education2, 21(3), 1–10. |
Co- Author |
Eryanto, H., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2018). Influence ability, perception of change and motivation to intention of entrepreneurship: Overview of analysis in students of faculty of economics universitas negeri jakarta. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(3), 1–10. |
Nurmalasari, D., Marsofiyati, M., Swaramarinda, D. R., & Puruwita, D. (2018). Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Guru Pengelola Koperasi di SMKN Jakarta Pusat. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani, 2(2), 326–337. |
Nurmalasari, D. Swaramarinda, D.R. (2018). Can TEFA (teaching factory) be realized with a creative economy, appropriate learning model and ICT in Indonesia?. Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018 |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R., & Nurmalasari, D. (2017). Development of Creative Economy Learning Model: Based ICT Subject in Entrepreneurship at Vocational High School in West Java. Advanced Science Letters, 23(11), 10715–10720. |
Co-Author |
First-Author |
Co- Author |
H Eryanto, DR Swaramarinda, Marsofiyati. (2016). Evaluasi Program Ujian Nasional (UN) pada SMK Negeri di Jakarta Selatan. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 14(2), 26-41. |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R. (2015). Tracer Study Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2014. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 13(2), 43–48. |
Co – Author |
Rahmansyah, M., Widyastuti, U., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2015). Correlation Between Organization Culture With Organization Commitment On Employee At PT. Yodya Karya (PERSERO) Jakata Timur. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 13(2), 49–58. |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R., & Nurmalasari, D. (2014). The Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment, Labor Productivity And Labor To Wage Labor In Textile Industry In Period 2010-2013. In ACBPP. |
Swaramarinda, D. R. (2014). Analisis dampak pengangguran terhadap kemiskinan di DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 2(2), 63–70. |
Rika, D., Fauzi, A., Eryanto, H., & Dewi, R. P. (2014). Tracer Study Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 12(1), 14–43. |
Co – Author |
Eryanto, H., Marsofiyati, M., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2016). Evaluasi Program Ujian Nasional (UN) Pada SMK Negeri Di Jakarta Selatan. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 14(2), 26–41. |
Ramida, G. N., Widiastuti, U., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2014). Hubungan Antara Motivasi Intrinsik Dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X Pada SMK Nurul Iman Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 2(1). |
Eryanto, H., & Rika, D. (2014). Evaluasi Program Wajib Belajar Pendidikan Dasar Di Dki Jakarta Pada Periode 2008-2011. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 12(1). |
Nurmalasari, D. R. S. D. (2014). The Relationship between Supervising Principal and Organization Climate toward Teacher Job Satisfaction of State Vocational High School (SMK) in Central Jakarta. In ACBPP IAFOR. |
Nurmalasari, D., & Swaramarinda, darma rika. (2014). The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Labor Productivity and Wage Labor in Textile Industry in Period 2010-2013. In ACBPP IAFOR. |
Puruwita, D., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2014). The Effect of Company’s Scale and Foreign Direct Investment to Value Added on Food Industry in Indonesia in Period 2010-2013. In ACBPP IAFOR. |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R. (2013). Tracer Study FE UNJ 2012. In International Conference on Business, Management and Accounting. |
Co – Author |
Eryanto, H., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2013). Pengaruh Modal Budaya, Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua dan Tingkat Pendapatan Orang Tua Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 1(1), 39–61. |
Fauzi, A., & Swaramarinda, D. R. (2013). The Impact of AEC on Foreign Direct Investment. In Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economic, Management and Accounting. |
First Author |
S., D. R., Munawaroh, M., & Puruwita, D. (2012). Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Pendapatan Per Kapita Dan Pengangguran Terhadap Kemiskinan Di Dki Jakarta. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 10(2). |
Co – Author |
First Author |
Swaramarinda, D. R., & Indriani, S. (2011). Pengaruh Pengeluaran Konsumsi dan Investasi Pemerintah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Econosains, 9(2), 95–105. |
Co – Author |
Awards |
First Winner Postgraduate Publication Award (PhD) for the 2022 period organized by the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia |
Penghargaan Publikasi dan Sitasi UNJ Award Bidang Publikasi Ilmiah, Sitasi dan HKI-Dosen dengan H-Indeks SCOPUS 2 Bidang Ilmu Sosial Humaniora (Soshum) pada tahun 2019. |
Second Place Winner Postgraduate Publication Award (PhD) for the 2021 period organized by Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia |
Grants |
2017. “Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis ICT dalam mata pelajaran Kewirausahaan Pada SMK Di Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat”. Funded by Hibah Penelitian Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. |
2018. “Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Ekonomi Kreatif Berbasis ICT dalam mata pelajaran Kewirausahaan Pada SMK Di Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat”. Funded by Hibah Penelitian Strategi Nasional Institusi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. |
2019. “Evaluasi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha Universitas Negeri Jakarta Yang Merupakan Suatu Implementasi Dari Kebijakan Yang Dikeluarkan Kementerian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Yang Diimplementasikan Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi”. Funded by Hibah Penelitian Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. |
2020. “Evaluasi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha Universitas Negeri Jakarta Yang Merupakan Suatu Implementasi Dari Kebijakan Yang Dikeluarkan Kementerian Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Yang Diimplementasikan Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi”. Funded by Hibah Penelitian Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. |