Dr. Christian Wiradendi Wolor, SE., MM
Faculty of Economics
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: christianwiradendi@unj.ac.id
Education |
Bachelor: Institut Bisnis dan Infromatika Kwik Kian Gie, Indonesia |
Master: Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia |
Doctor: Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia |
ID Link |
ID Scopus : Klik disini |
ID Scholar : Klik Disini |
ID SINTA : 6716392 |
Research Interest |
Human Resource Management; Marketing |
Courses | ||
Kepemimpinan; Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia; Manajemen Training and Development; Pengantar Bisnis; Pengantar Manajemen; Perilaku Organisasi |
Publication |
First Author |
Co-Author |
I Maghfirah, CW Wolor, RT Sariwulan. (2023). Pengaruh Efikasi Diri, Perhatian Orang Tua Dan Dukungan Sosial Teman Sebaya Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa. Berajah Journal 3 (1), 59-74. |
RFR Dania, Suherdi, CW Wolor. (2023). Training To Create Digital Learning Media Through Canva and Camtasia. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani, 7 (2) 2023, 269 —292. |
First Author |
CW Wolor, AM Musyaffi, A Nurkhin, H Tarhan. 2022. Employee Perceptions of TQM-Oriented HRM Practices for Perceived Performance Improvement in the Case of Companies in Indonesia. Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 10 (2), 123-146. |
CW Wolor, AM Musyaffi, U Suhud, A Nurkhin. 2022. Cultural Changes and Willingness to Change in Indigenous Peoples of Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village during the Covid-19 Pandemic.Iranian Journal of Management Studies. |
CW Wolor. (2022). Pengaruh Keterlibatan Pekerjaan dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Perilaku Kewarganegaraan Organisasi (OCB) yang Dimediasi oleh Komitmen Organisasi Di PT.Top Karir Indonesia. JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia 13 (02), 354-367. |
CW Wolor, RFR Dania, S Suherdi, A Nurkin, A Ardiansyah. (2022). Employee Communication and Employee Engagement After Covid-19 Pandemic. Universidad y Sociedad 14 (6), 137-148. |
Co-Author |
R Nugraha, CW Wolor, C Yohana. 2022. The Effect of Work from Home, Work-Life Balance, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance. Oblik i finansi 95, 103-112. |
FK Said, U Suhud, CW Wolor. 2022. Employee Performance Analysis at Bank Syariah Indonesia. Oblik i finansi 95, 113-121. |
H Khairunnisa, A Pratama, AM Musyaffi, CW Wolor, DK Respati, N Fadhilah, SF Zahra. 2022. KONSEP DAN TIPS DALAM MENULIS KARYA ILMIAH. Pascal Book. |
YA Nugroho, AW Handaru, CW Wolor. 2022. Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan Persekutuan Komanditer di Bogor.Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan-JBMK 3 (1), 28-43. |
N Sunarno, D Susita, CW Wolor. 2022. Effect of work environment and training on job satisfaction through career development mediation.The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 4 (1), 193-203. |
LN Arafah, D Susita, CW Wolor. 2022. Effect of e-learning training methods and instructor competencies on the effectiveness of training mediated by training motivation.The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 4 (1), 204-215. |
U Suhud, M Allan, CW Wolor. 2022. What We Should Know About Village Tourism Destination Attributes?. 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and, Education (ICoSIEBE 2021). |
AM Musyaffi, RJ Johari, I Rosnidah, DK Respati, CW Wolor, M Yusuf. 2022. Employee Perceptions of TQM-Oriented HRM Practices for Perceived Performance Improvement in the Case of Companies in Indonesia. |
AW Handaru, CW Wolor. 2022. Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Pengembangan Karir terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan di Bekasi.Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan-JBMK 3 (1), 16-27. |
NF Fidhyallah, A Pratama, CW Wolor, S Febriantina. 2022. Pengembangan Model Desain Pelatihan Keterampilan Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Soft Skill Peserta Didik SMK Bidang Keahlian Multimedia. JKTP: Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan 5 (2), 200-211 |
E Suwarno, D Susita, CW Wolor. The influence of talent management and transformational leadership: A study on work effectiveness as mediated by employee engagement. The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 4 (1), 281-296. |
A Pratama, CW Wolor. Training of Basic Skills of Writing Scientific Using Mendeley Software and Pharaprase Techniques. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) 6 (1), 56-71. |
F Yansyah, IKR Sudiarditha, CW Wolor. (2022). Predictor Organizational Citizenship Behavior through the Role of Mediation Organizational Commitment. International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion 5 (2), 73-87. |
I Purnamawati, D Susita, CW Wolor. (2022). The effect of teamwork and workload on the quality of human resources mediated by work motivation. The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 4 (2), 162-179. |
F Ananda, AW Handaru, CW Wolor. (2022). Pengaruh Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Jurnal Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan 3 (3), 651-664. |
AM Musyaffi, RJ Johari, I Rosnidah, DK Respati, CW Wolor, M Yusuf. (2022). Understanding Digital Banking Adoption During Post-Coronavirus Pandemic: An Integration of Technology Readiness and Technology Acceptance Model. |
A Nurkhin, JTB Santoso, SY Baswara, CW Wolor. (2022). International Journal of Educational Methodology. |
A Rohman, A Nurkhin, H Mukhibad, CW Wolor. (2022). Determinants of Indonesian banking profitability: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic analysis. Banks and Bank Systems 17 (2), 37-46 |
AM Musyaffi, WA Sulistyowati, CW Wolor, AA Sasmi. (2022). Game-Based Learning Sustainability during Social Distance: The Role of Gamification Quality. European Journal of Educational Research 11 (3), 1289-1302. |
U Suhud, M Allan, CW Wolor. (2022). What We Should Know About Village Tourism Destination Attributes?. 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and, Education (ICoSIEBE 2021). 277-280. |
A Nurkhin, JTB Santoso, SY Baswara, CW Wolor. (2022). Applying Peer Tutor Learning and Interactive Case Methods in Online Learning: Its Effect on Student Activities and Learning Outcomes.International Journal of Educational Methodology 8 (3), 551-565. |
First Author |
Wolor, C.W., Nurkhin, A., Citriadin, Y. (2021). Leadership style for millennial generation, five leadership theories, systematic literature review. Quality – Access to Success, 22(184), pp. 105–110 |
Wolor, C.W., Suhud, U., Nurkhin, A., Citriadin, Y. (2021). The role of human resources in strengthening the creative industry during the covid-19 pandemic. Quality – Access to Success, 22(184), pp. 34–39 |
Respati, D.K., Musyaffi, A.M., Wolor, C.W., …Sari, D.A.P., Amal, M.I. (2021). Is The Village Financial System Appropriate For The Village Government? The Role Of Task Technology-Fit. Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 2021, 24(4), pp. 1–9 |
Wolor, C.W., Pratama, A., Musyaffi, A.M., Nurkhin, A., Citriadin, Y. (2021). Understanding Employee Performance During Work from Home in Indonesia. Journal of Behavioral Science, 16(3), pp. 99–108 |
Wolor, C.W., Nurkhin, A., Citriadin, Y. (2021). Is working from home good for work-life balance, stress, and productivity, or does it cause problems? Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 9(3), pp. 237–249 |
CW WOLOR, U SUHUD, A NURKHIN, Y CITRIADIN. 2021.The Role Of Human Resources In Strengthening The Creative Industry During The Covid-19 Pandemic.Quality-Access to Success, 34-39. |
CW Wolor. 2022. Pengaruh Status Pegawai dan Job Embeddedness Terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia 12 (2), 354-373. |
Co- Author |
DK Respati, AM Musyaffi, CW Wolor, H Khaerunnisa, DAP Sari, MI Amal. 2021. IS THE VILLAGE FINANCIAL SYSTEM APPROPRIATE FOR THE VILLAGE GOVERNMENT? THE ROLE OF TASK TECHNOLOGY-FIT.Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 24, 1-9. |
N Aisyah, CW Wolor, O Usman. 2021. The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance on Employee Performance with Organizational Commitment as Mediating Variable. Oblik i Finansi 93, 97-106. |
NN Janna, CW Wolor, U Suhud. 2021.The role of e-training, career development, and employee resilience in increasing employee productivity in Indonesian state-owned enterprises. Business Excellence and Management 11 (3), 5-21. |
N Romadhoni, C Wiradendi WOLOR, U Suhud. 2021.The Impact of Agent Motivation on Customer Trust in Improving the Performance of Government Bank Agents in the Administrative City of North Jakarta: Qualitative Research.Accounting & Finance/Oblik i Finansi. |
W Parimita, CW Wolor. The Influence of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior At PT. Rizki Asa Buana. JURNAL DINAMIKA MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS 4 (1), 97-120. |
BP Shinutama, AW Handaru, CW Wolor. 2021. The Effect of Work Discipline and Motivation to Work Productivity on Production Division Employee of PT X. JURNAL DINAMIKA MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS 4 (2), 94-118. |
MA Gultom, D Susita, CW Wolor. 2021. The Effect of Job Involvment, Training and Career Development on The Performance of Employees on Bureau Human Resources Organizations and Law Indonesian National Institute of Aeronantics and Space. JURNAL DINAMIKA MANAJEMEN DAN BISNIS 4 (2), 69-93. |
SZ Andwilana, CW Wolor, AW Handaru. 2021. Implementation of Evaluation Coaching Program for Company Performance. The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 3 (2), 274-287. |
First Author |
Wolor, CW., Solikhah, Fidhyallah, NF., Lestari, DP. (2020). Effectiveness of E-Training, E-Leadership, and Work Life Balance on Employee Performance during COVID-19. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 10 (2020) 443–450. |
Wolor, CW., Dalimunthe, S., Febrilia, I. (2020). How to Manage Stress Experienced by Employees When Working from Home Due to the Covid-19 Virus Outbreak. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364. |
Pratama, A., Wolor, CW., Mardi, Fidhyallah, NF., Pramusinto, H. (2020). The Role of Construction of Learning Models: Analysis of Learning Outcomes and Student Competencies of Student. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. ISSN 2201-1315. |
Wolor, C.W., Pratama, A., Aditya, S., Fidhyallah, N.F., Purwana, D. (2020). Adversity Quotient In Improving Millenial Generation Sales People Performance in The Industrial Revolution 4.0. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews eISSN: 2395-6518, Vol 8, No 1, pp 220-226 |
Wolor, C.W., Aminah, H., Rahmi,, Martono, S. (2020). The effectiveness of virtual work to keep achieving optimal performance amid the Covid-19 virus outbreak. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, 9, 310-314. |
Wolor, C.W., Khairunnisa, H., Purwana, D. (2020). Implementation talent management to improve organization’s performance in Indonesia to fight industrial revolution 4.0. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(1), 1243-1247. |
Wolor, C.W., Kurnianti, D., Zahra, S.F., Martono, S. (2020). The importance of work-life balance on employee performance millennial generation in Indonesia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020, 7(9), 1103-1108. |
Co- Author |
Susita, D., Ketut Sudiarditha, I.R., Purwana, D., Wolor, C.W., Merdyantie, R.. (2020). Does organizational commitment mediate the impact of organizational culture and interpersonal communication on organizational citizenship behavior?. Management Science Letters, 2020, 10(11), 2455-2462. |
First Author |
Wolor, C.W., Supriyati, Y., Purwana, D. (2019). Effect of organizational justice, conflict management, compensation, work stress, work motivation on employee performance sales people. Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, 7(4), 1277-1284. |
Wolor, C.W., Supriyati, Y., Purwana, D.. (2019). The effect of work stress, compensation and motivation on the performance of sales people. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2019, 9(5), 252-269. |
Wolor, C. W., Supriyati, Y., & Purwana, D. (2019). Investigating The Link Between Conflict Management, Compensation, Work Motivation On Employee Performance Sales People. In Journal of International Conference Proceedings. |
Co-Author |
First Author |
Wolor, C. W., & Efendy, H. (2017). The Transformation of Customer Satisfaction Become Customer Delight. Case Studies in Business and Management, 4(2), 109–129. |
Co-Author |
Award |
Grants |