AD Buchdadi, S Suherman, TF Mahfirah, B Usman, H Kurniawati. (2023). An assessment of female executives’ influence on bank performance in Indonesia based on critical mass theory. International Journal of Management 12 (1), 26-43
S Suherman, TF Mahfirah, B Usman, H Kurniawati, D Kurnianti. (2023). CEO characteristics and firm performance: evidence from a Southeast Asian country. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
TF Mahfirah, B Wibowo. (2022). Merton Model of Default Risk and Stock Return: Evidence from Indonesian Stock Market. IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management) 6 (2), 20-31.
Co – Author
I Pahala, TF Mahfirah, GM Zairin. (2022). Listening to Taxpayer Voice: Phenomenological Study of Taxpayer. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 6 (1), 2853-2866.
S Suherman, B Usman, TF Mahfirah, R Vesta. (2022). Do female executives and CEO tenure matter for corporate cash holdings? Insight from a Southeast Asian country. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.