Digital Bussines

1. Vision 

To be a leading study program that produces human resources with excellent and global competence in the field of digital business, supporting the business and industrial sectors.

2. Mision

Conducting innovative Tridharma activities at the university level that can adapt to the advancements in science and technology, contributing to stakeholders and producing competent human resources in the field of business digitalization. This is achieved through entrepreneurial endeavors that encourage self-reliance.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the Study Program are as follows:

  1. Conducting the university’s Tridharma activities in the field of digital business.
  2. Enhancing the competence of lecturers and students in the field of digital business or other knowledge and skills that support digital business.
  3. Developing a curriculum that is adaptive to the demands of the business and industrial sectors.
  4. Engaging in basic, applied, and developmental research that contributes to the advancement of science and technology in the field of digital business.
  5. Organizing community service to apply research results in the field of digital business.
  6. Establishing collaborations with businesses, industries, educational institutions, associations, and government agencies.
  7. Promoting digital literacy for stakeholders in the business sector.


4. Faculty Staff 

No Nama Dosen NIP NIDN
1 Dr. Osly Usman, M.Bus 197401152008011008 0015017406
2 Shandy Aditya, BIB., MPBS 198404082019031003 0008048403
3 Diena Noviarini, M.M.Si 197511152008122002 0015117507
4 Terrylina Arvinta Monoarfa, SE., MM 0002038107 0002038107
5 Meta Bara Berutu, S.E., M.M 199409222022032012 0522099401
6 Adnan Kasofi, S.Pd., MBA PPPK