Economics Education

1. Vision 

To become a study program that produces professionally ethical and highly competitive human resources with a global perspective, mastering 21st-century knowledge and technology in the field of economic education.

2. Mision

Implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education and fostering collaborations with stakeholders to produce high-quality graduates who support the achievement of excellent 21st-century skilled human resource development.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the Study Program are as follows:

    1. Producing graduates as prospective economics educators and administrators of educational institutions with academic and professional capabilities aligned with the demands of the 21st-century workforce.
    2. Producing practitioners in economic/financial institutions and potential researchers in the field of economics with academic and professional competencies in line with the needs of the professional world.
    3. Preparing potential entrepreneurs within the framework of SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and cooperatives.


4. Faculty Staff 

1 Prof. Dr. Sri Indah Nikensari, M.Si 196208091990032001 0009086206
2 Dr. Karuniana Dianta A. S., S.IP., M.E. 198009242008121002 0024098008
3 Dicky Iranto, SE., M.SE 197106122001121001 0012067104
4 Herlitah, S.Sos., M.Ec.Dev 198401062014042002 0006018404
5 Erika Takidah, S.E., M.Si 197511112009122001 11117505
6 Susi Indriani, SE., M.S.Ak. 197608202009122001 320087602
7 Aditya Pratama, S.Pd., M.Pd 198903242019031009 0424038901
8 Siti Fatimah Zahra, S.E.I., M.E 199108182019032019 0018089103
9 Fitra Dila Lestari, M.Pd PPPK  
10 Riswandi, M.Pd. E