
1. Vision 

To become a Study Program that produces graduates in the field of accounting who are excellent, possess strong character, entrepreneurial spirit, and global competitiveness.

2. Mision

    1. Developing the science of accounting that can contribute to stakeholders in the form of research studies and updates to competency-based accounting knowledge.
    2. Cultivating and enhancing the capabilities of the Accounting Study Program in delivering high-quality learning processes.
    3. Increasing the role of the study program in the development of accounting knowledge, making it more widely recognized and appreciated by all layers of society through a series of activities that support the well-being and comfort of the community in both material and spiritual aspects.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the Study Program are as follows:

    1. Producing Economics graduates specializing in accounting who are competent and professional in advancing knowledge.
    2. Producing human resources capable and ready to compete proficiently at the national and international levels.
    3. Advancing all components of the academic community in the processes of education, research, and community service.
    4. Fostering collaboration with universities, government and private institutions, both domestically and internationally.


4. Faculty Staff 

1 Dr. I Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui, SE., M.Si, AK, CA 196612131993032003 0013126604
2 Indah Muliasari, SE.Akt, M.Ak 8886100016
3 Marsellisa Nindito, SE., M.Sc, Ak., CA 197506302005012001 0030067504
4 Nuramalia Hasanah, M.Ak 197706172008122001 0017067704
5 Ratna Anggraini, M.Si 197404172000122001 0017047406
6 Tresno Eka Jaya R., M.Sc 197411052006041001 0005117404
7 Dr. Indra Pahala, M.Si 197902082008121001 0008027908
8 Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, SE., MM 198906202020121006  0020068906
9 Gentiga Muhammad Zairin, S.E., M.Ak., CA, CPSAK 199305162022031009 0016059304
10 Aji Ahmadi Sasmi, S.Ak., M.Ak DPK